Explanation of Resident Benefits Package (RBP)

Why a Resident Benefits Package (RBP) is necessary!

$30.95 Per Month

Included with ALL lease agreements under G&M Properties is the Resident Benefits Package or RBP. Residents will receive the benefits listed below which are automatically included for $30.95 per month.

  • $100,000.00 - Personal Liability Coverage
  • $10,000.00 - Resident Contents Coverage
  • Lease Insurance requirements are satisfied with the Resident Benefits Package, and it is managed and controlled by a department dedicated to this task. This means a piece of mind for our Owners & Tenants, knowing that in the case of an unfortunate incident, all parties are covered.
  • $1,000,000.00 in Identity Theft Protection
  • 1 in 4 Americans are victims of identity fraud. All adult leaseholders get $1M coverage backed by AIG, monitoring through IBM’s Watson, and a dedicated, US-based Identity Restoration Specialist.
  • This helps to insure that your tenants are not left vulnerable to hackers and scams, causing financial hardships whereby timely rent payments could be affected.
  • Credit Building
  • We report every rent payment so you build credit. Average increases of 23 to 42 points in resident scores, so you can qualify for more and save hundreds. We can report up to the past 24 months for an immediate boost.
  • All too often reporting to the credit bureaus were only done for late or missed payments. We now report to the credit bureaus for on time payments as well, helping to increase our tenants credit scores, and their overall financial health.
  • Resident Rewards Program
  • Rent day is now rewards day. You’ll get cash, gift cards, and exclusive discounts you can use to save up to $4500/year on everyday expenses.
  • Another item to reward tenants for timely rent payments
  • Move-In Concierge
  • One call sets up utility, cable, and internet services – and helps you get the best promos and discount codes available.
  • Helps to make their move in, and move out process as seamless and stress free as possible!
  • 24/7 Maintenance Coordination
  • It always seems like things happen after hours. This makes reporting those pesky maintenance issues easy and fast either online or by phone.
  • This has always been available with us, however, we have also integrated more Smart Maintenance Features into our overall workflow, that allows for easier scheduling of maintenance items, and increasing overall satisfaction of our tenants, which decreases our vacancy rate.
  • Home Buying Assistance
  • For those who want to move onto homeownership, we’ll help you get there by working with one of G&M Properties Real Estate Agents.
  • A lot of your tenants have this on their mind, and G&M Properties being involved allows us to set the PROPER EXPECTATION with the tenants regarding time frames, proper coordination and facilitation at the end of the lease, and no surprise vacancies by our tenants.
  • Online Portal
  • Access your documents and pay rent through our easy to use online portal.
  • Ease of use to pay rents in a timely manner and submit maintenance requests. This also allows easy access to their all of their leasing documents which in turn increases customer satisfaction.
  • Vetted Vendor Network
  • Everyone who services your home is screened to exceed our standards for insurance, licensing, and professionalism for the job.
  • We have to have the right people on the job to ensure that the contractors going into your properties to do work, are properly vetted by G&M Properties, to again aid in the customer satisfaction.

It has always been, and will always be G&M Properties goal to efficiently manage your tenants, and provide the utmost in Customer Service to ensure that your tenants are happy residing in a home of yours that is managed by G&M Properties thereby extending their leases, and reducing downtime! Time is money, we understand that, and are implementing all necessary measures to continue to be industry leaders in the Property Management Space!

For answers to our frequently asked questions regarding our Resident Benefits Package please CLICK HERE

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